Thermador 24" Built-in Coffee Machine Stainless Steel, Removable Water Tank

Thermador 24" Built-in Coffee Machine Stainless Steel, Removable Water Tank

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- Personalize your selection by altering ground size, temperature,
cup size and aroma settings or chose from the 10 preset
- Enjoy freshly ground coffee for every cup with an exclusive
Ceramic Disk Grinding System. Ceramic Disks deliver quality
performance and minimize noise allowing for a smooth,
consistent texture and flavor in every cup.
- Coffee customization settings store up to 8 personalized
beverages with names so family members and houseguests can
program their favorite drinks – from a single shot espresso, to
tea, to extra-large cappuccinos.
- Cleanup has never been easier. Using both hot water and
steam, the machine features a fully automatic rinse program at
turn-on and turn-off, so it's always ready for the next freshtasting pour.
- Wifi equipped offerings include Playlist feature enabling you to
place everyone's order in the Home Connect® app and let your
coffee machine handle the rest. 

  • First come first serve
  • Must be paid in full
  • Needs to be picked up within 48 hours or scheduled delivery within a week of purchase
  • No Cancellations
  • No Returns

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